

2014年10月24日10:25    来源:人民网-艺术收藏频道    手机看新闻






(Deborah Trott Pierce博士、韦伯斯特大学国际教育中心主任、韦伯斯特大学孔子学院院长)

The Confucius Institute at Webster University is proud to host the “Traditional Chinese Art Exhibit: Tracing the Influence of Confucianism through Contemporary Artists” on our campus. The collection exhibited here is that of renowned Chinese artists who have traveled from China to share with us their beautiful works of art and the philosophy behind this ancient form of artistic expression.

The origins of Chinese painting stretch back many centuries with the earliest examples being on bronze vessels and stone carvings of the Han dynasty (206 bce-220 ce) and earlier. Traditional Chinese art crystallizes the spirit of the Chinese and gives tangible form to their traditional culture greatly influenced by the philosopher Confucius.

In the Confucian manner, painting is a medium for perfect self-expression and communication. Most of the images are of nature and the theme of the solitary man, or group of friends who find themselves alone. As the vehicle of self-expression the traditional Chinese paintings immolate the external surrounding while gaining inspiration from what is in the artist’s heart. It is where the two come together, where Realism and Romanticism are balanced combining the subjective and the objective in a dialectical harmonious manner.

Traditional Chinese painters, traditionally using rice paper or silk, specialize in plain ink paintings sometimes with minimal color. Emphasis is given on the style in which the painter controls the brush, conveying the inner style of his or her character, the expressions of the spirit. The brush movement and the variation of brush, ink and water give the traditional Chinese painting its unique characteristic admired throughout the world.

Our hearts are full of gratitude for the willingness of these extraordinarily talented Chinese artists to share their art and soul with us.

Deborah Trott Pierce, Ph.D.

Director, Center for International Education and Confucius Institute

Webster University 



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