

2014年10月28日10:51        手机看新闻


Mr.He Yinghai, Man nationality, was born in Jixi, heilongjiang province in 1971. He is major in the traditional Chinese painting,Bachelor of Arts, having been under the tutelage of Mr. Fan Zeng, Mr. Du Ziling and Mr.Chen Yupu. Before he works in the People's Daily Online Institute of Caligraphy and Fine Arts,he was a teacher at the Middle School Attached to Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. Mr. He specializes in flower-and-bird painting of an elegant and fresh artistic genre. A number of his artistic works were collected by individuals and institutions. He donated his earnings from "Peony" and other painting sales to those poverty-stricken students in the remote areas. In 1997, he planned and organized "Under the Same Sky - Chinese Painting Charity Bazaar",.He also held "Nature, Space,and Human " a photographic exhibition in 1998 and "Valley Orchids" his personal flower-and-bird painting exhibition at the Beijing Mission City Museum of Art in 2014.



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