

2014年10月24日14:49    来源:人民网-艺术收藏频道    手机看新闻

教富斌 1976年出生,祖籍辽宁。2006年毕业于天津大学艺术研究所,获美术学硕士学位。毕业作品留校,获“范氏奖学金”。现为人民美术出版社副编审。


Fubin Jiao was born in 1976 in Liaoning Province. He received the Master of Arts from the institute of Arts in Tianjing University in 2006. His graduation work was honored by “Fan’s Scholarship” and selected by the university. Mr. Jiao is the deputy chief-editor in People’s Fine Arts Publishing House at present. Fubin Jiao’s paintings have been exhibited in many places, events and exhibitions, which include:2008, "Shi Tao poetic", Chinese painting and calligraphy art publishing industry exhibition (Henan Museum of Art);2009 "Huang Shan Xihai map", first cross-strait Painting and Calligraphy Art Exhibition of the publishing industry (Taipei);2011 People's Fine Arts Publishing House sixtieth anniversary exhibition (China Art Gallery);2012 "Art Salon" magazine Contemporary Chinese Painting invitation Exhibition (Taiyuan, Shanxi Province);2014, solo exhibition "Cheng Huai Koon Road" - Jiao Fubin landscape art exhibition in Beijing Museum exhibition.His works have been received many highly-appreciated comments and reversed in various arts colleges, museums and personal art collectors around the world.



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